Friday, November 12, 2010

Haven't posted since Easter...My apologies:)

As much as I adore the written word, I stumbled upon a passage in the book, " Making Sense of Japanese" that made a case against language writing in particular that was quite thought provoking.

It said, "The Japanese distrust of language, written language in particular, comes from many years of having to express their ideas in the hieroglyphic characters that originated in China, Interestingly, the Japanese of earlier times believed that an idea would lose some of its value the moment it was verbalized. Hence arose the conviction that words, written ones in particular, cannot convey the truth. One byproduct of centuries of such discrediting of language is a vast quantity of empty words that reflect neither social reality nor one's true inner intention. In other words, the praise of silence and the prevalence of meaningless words are two sides of the same coin. "

What every BODY is saying : an ex-FBI agent's guide to speed-reading people

At this moment your probably wondering, "well what else do we have as an alternative?" Which cleverly helps segue into another favorite book I'm reading at the moment, "What Every Body is Saying:An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People."Yes, this book can help you accurately read non verbal cues or if your like me, this book can help you choose the correct "tells" in expressing your emotions. Cause when you over analyze a situation and act paralyzed you want to avoid alluding to mental retardation if at all possible.. :)